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 2025 Allegheny Ukulele Soirée

April 25-27, 2025

The Altoona Grand Hotel
1 Sheraton Drive
Altoona, PA 16602

Applications accepted until 2/28/2025 or until all vendor spots are full. Only accepted vendors need send payment.

Each vendor space is approximately 8'x6' and includes one 8' table & two chairs.

Vendor Rates

Saturday & Sunday Only$50
Full Weekend (Fri-Sun)$75
Extra vending space (limited availability; includes table & chairs)$50
Vendor-Attendee pass (Access to workshops)$25

Vending Hours

  • 5:00PM - 7:00PM (required)
  • Closed during Evening Concert
  • 9:00PM - 10:30PM (optional)
  • 10:00AM - 7:00PM (required)
  • Closed during Evening Concert
  • 9:00PM - 10:30PM (optional)
  • 10:00AM - 1:00PM (required)

Vendor room closes and is locked at 11PM.

Vendor Rules

  • Vendors are required to keep product within paid vendor space & have someone present during required vending hours.
  • Vendors may attend concerts and open mics but cannot attend workshops unless also purchasing a vendor-attendee pass. 
  • Vendors are welcome to bring their own food or order in. Vendors may also purchase food from the venue restaurant or purchase the festival buffet package. 

Additional Details

Vendor Room: The Altoona Grand has a large ballroom which will be subdivided. The vendor room will be in “Ballroom A”, the right-most division of these sections.  After vending hours, the spaces will be locked, closed, and off-limits to our guests. 


Setup: If you are vending all 3 days, load in can begin at 2:00PM on Friday. Otherwise, load in on Saturday is at 8:00 AM. Festival staff are available to help you load/unload.


There is drop-off area where you’ll be able to unload from and to move your products into the building. We ask that you move all your product into the building & move your vehicle before setting up your space.  


Teardown: Teardown on Sunday is at 1PM. If sales are slow, at the discretion of Soirée Management, you may tear down as early as 12PM.  Please have all your product packed and ready to go before bringing your vehicle to the building to load. Please plan to be off-site by 3PM. 


Parking: There is a fair amount of parking at the Altoona Grand. If you are coming in a standard vehicle or van/truck, then you may park wherever you wish. If you are bringing a trailer, we will have you park your trailer in a designated area so that we may have as much parking available as possible for our guests.


Participation in Festival Events: While you’re at the Soirée, as long as your space is manned, you are welcome to attend any of the events at the festival (concerts, open mics, movies) except for workshops. To attend workshops, you must also purchase a vendor-attendee pass.