A student at this level is brand-new to the ukulele. He/she has perhaps learned one to three chords but stops in-between chord changes to move the fingers to the next location.

Intro to Strumming

Learn some basic strumming patterns to get you started and how to match them to the songs you want to play. Workshop will cover basic rhythm techniques, what finger(s) you should use to play, picks or no picks, and good foundational right handed strumming techniques. 

This workshop is perfect for beginner players who are struggling with getting a good sound out of their ukulele.

Singing the Strings: Vocal Harmony at Your Fingertips

Ever wondered how to construct a harmony part? Ever run into a song that was easy to play in uke group, but completely out of your vocal range? If you're ready to go beyond the basics of "hum & strum", this class is for you! Using the simple technique presented in this class, you'll be able to create one, two, and three-part harmonies quickly and with confidence.

Attendees should be prepared to sing! You will need a uke to play and a pencil to take notes. A music stand is not required, but will be extremely helpful.