Have any questions? Email us at info@ukulelesoiree.com
The Altoona Grand Hotel
1 Sheraton Drive, Altoona, PA 16601
The Altoona Grand Hotel features three onsite restaurants, a swimming pool & hot tub, free WiFi, and plenty of parking. The hotel is situated near major shopping and dining options. If you choose to stay at the Altoona Grand, a free breakfast is included with your stay! We have arranged for a block of rooms at a rate of $92/night (+ taxes). To get this special rate, you must call the hotel at 814-946-1631 (by 3/31/2024) and let them know you're with the Allegheny Ukulele Soiree!
The conference center-side of the hotel is where the Allegheny Ukulele Soiree will be held. With four classrooms holding between 75-250 people, we are excited be able to offer more classes and workshops than ever before!