The Endless Possibilities of Three Chords

In this something-for-everyone class, get to know Daniel’s beloved ʻukulele composition, Pineapple Mango. We will explore different things you can do with three chords utilizing some of Daniel’s go-to techniques that help keep a repeated chord progression interesting such as strum patterns, muted bass notes, marimba rolls, percussion, hammer-ons, harmonics, and a little bit of singing in the Hawaiian language. It’s a memorable melody that’s sure to be a staple in your ʻukulele soundtrack.

Articulated Strumming; Harvest Moon

Ok, you can strum now but why doesn’t your strumming sound like the pros? 

In this class you will learn the kinetic movements necessary to manipulate the strings into a symphony of sound, along with a little strengthening of barre chords on the left hand for tight control. You’ll come away with a classy strum, honed listening skills and a beautiful song to show off your new skills. We’ll even cover Neil’s iconic riff to add that extra sparkle. 

Intro to Strumming

Learn some basic strumming patterns to get you started and how to match them to the songs you want to play. Workshop will cover basic rhythm techniques, what finger(s) you should use to play, picks or no picks, and good foundational right handed strumming techniques. 

This workshop is perfect for beginner players who are struggling with getting a good sound out of their ukulele.