These are workshops that are suitable for all level of player. Often these workshops are not ukulele-specific or of more general interest. 

Proper Care & Feeding of your Ukulele

Hey! What exactly is a set-up, anyway? Why does my ukulele buzz? How do I fix it? What does my ukulele want from me? Mim will be breaking down the mysterious “set-up” everyone talks about! She will lead you in an informative workshop that will cover everything from changing your strings and daily ukulele maintenance to diagnosing ukulele problems and even fixing them yourself! 

Gospel Jam

Join our Jam Leader & play some classic Gospel tunes! 

This jam will feature selections from Petey Mack's famous songbook (Feb 2023 version). We encourage you to utilize the jam-specific songbook if you do not want to download or print Petey's full book. The chord sheets will be projected during the jams. As always, jam-specific books will be distributed electronically prior to the festival.


Rise & Shine Jam

Our Saturday morning jam gets you up bright and early to start your day right - with the ukulele! 

This jam will feature selections from Petey Mack's famous songbook (Feb 2023 version). We encourage you to utilize the jam-specific songbook if you do not want to download or print Petey's full book. The chord sheets will be projected during the jams. As always, jam-specific books will be distributed electronically prior to the festival.


Saturday Nite Jam

Our Saturday Night jam begins about 15 minutes after the close of the Saturday Night Concert! 

This jam will feature selections from Petey Mack's famous songbook (Feb 2023 version). We encourage you to utilize the jam-specific songbook if you do not want to download or print Petey's full book. The chord sheets will be projected during the jams. As always, jam-specific books will be distributed electronically prior to the festival.


Friday Nite Jam

Our Friday Night jam begins about 15 minutes after the close of the Friday Night Concert! 

This jam will feature selections from Petey Mack's famous songbook (Feb 2023 version). We encourage you to utilize the jam-specific songbook if you do not want to download or print Petey's full book. The chord sheets will be projected during the jams. As always, jam-specific books will be distributed electronically prior to the festival.


Hula Workshop

Students will learn the folk dance of our 50th state, the Hula.  Simple steps and hand motions will combine to tell a story.

Instructor Debi Velasco will supply written instructions to each dancer.  Students will perform the song they have learned at the Saturday evening concert!

Lei Making

Students will complete a wristlet made with fresh flowers using the “wili” (winding) method.

Instructor Debi Velasco will supply all materials and tools needed. The technique taught is simple and can be replicated at home.