Did you know Music makers can be made in 10 minutes... or less?! Keep it easy! Keep it simple! Keep it FUN! Dummy Dots are a quick and easy way to teach ukulele! No one needs to get frustrated and quit ukulele before they get started! Mim has seen it happen one too many times when a teacher focuses too much on perfection and less on the fun! Use Mim's Dummy Dot method and watch music makers grow before your very eyes! Guaranteed*! 

Intrigued? Come to Mim's new workshop where she is going to show you how she opens up a new world of music making that is accessible to everyone from 1-99! "I have never been able to play music" is no longer an excuse! With a curated progression through popular songs, a little "crutch" so people don't get frustrated, a choose-your-own-adventure flair and an easy no-pressure atmosphere, you can bring a new method of teaching and learning ukulele to your local schools, libraries, jams, community events, etc. This will be a fun class! And at the end Mim will share the link to some of her resources with you, so you too can use her tried and true and usually successful method of teaching ukulele! If you are an absolute never-played-before beginner, you are welcome to attend and learn how to play the Dummy Dot way! 

*This guarantee is not an actual guarantee but is merely a humorous way for Mim to make this sound like a bad 80s late-night informercial! However, she has found success 95.67% of the time! So, the odds are in your favor!

Sun @ 10:00 AM
All Levels
Session Type
Ballroom C

Skill Levels

  • Novice: A student who perhaps has never picked up a ukulele before.
  • Beginner: A student at this level is brand-new to the ukulele. He/she has perhaps learned one to three chords but stops in-between chord changes to move the fingers to the next location.
  • Advanced/Confident Beginner: A student at this level knows a handful of chords and can move from one chord to another without pausing. Student may have trouble with, say, the B-flat chord shape. Student has learned a strum or two and/or a finger pattern for picking.
  • Intermediate: A student can hold a steady rhythm and is competent with a variety of basic chords. Understands simple chord progressions, can sing and strum at the same time, and learns chords to simple tunes fairly quickly.
  • Advanced: A student at this level can hear I, IV, and V chords, has mastered some chord inversions, knows there is life above the fifth fret, and has been there with barre or 4-fingered closed chords. Plays lead and backup easily with others and keeps steady rhythm.