In this something-for-everyone class, get to know Daniel’s beloved ʻukulele composition, Pineapple Mango. We will explore different things you can do with three chords utilizing some of Daniel’s go-to techniques that help keep a repeated chord progression interesting such as strum patterns, muted bass notes, marimba rolls, percussion, hammer-ons, harmonics, and a little bit of singing in the Hawaiian language. It’s a memorable melody that’s sure to be a staple in your ʻukulele soundtrack.

Sat @ 11:00 AM
Session Type
Ballroom B

Skill Levels

  • Novice: A student who perhaps has never picked up a ukulele before.
  • Beginner: A student at this level is brand-new to the ukulele. He/she has perhaps learned one to three chords but stops in-between chord changes to move the fingers to the next location.
  • Advanced/Confident Beginner: A student at this level knows a handful of chords and can move from one chord to another without pausing. Student may have trouble with, say, the B-flat chord shape. Student has learned a strum or two and/or a finger pattern for picking.
  • Intermediate: A student can hold a steady rhythm and is competent with a variety of basic chords. Understands simple chord progressions, can sing and strum at the same time, and learns chords to simple tunes fairly quickly.
  • Advanced: A student at this level can hear I, IV, and V chords, has mastered some chord inversions, knows there is life above the fifth fret, and has been there with barre or 4-fingered closed chords. Plays lead and backup easily with others and keeps steady rhythm.